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use cases
Manager Communications

Communicate on your time

Org announcements

Replace all-hands with on-demand videos to welcome new team members, share goal progress or celebrate team wins

Team Standups

Eliminate weekly standups and have team members share short video updates that they can record at a time that’s convenient


Welcome new team members and help them ramp up quickly with step-by-step training and onboarding

use cases

Show not tell

Sales Demos

Walk customers through a personalized demo so they can visualize how your product will meet their needs

Product Design Review

Walk your team through mock ups or a prototype so they can envision the full customer experience

Customer Support Tutorials

Provide step-by-step ‘how to’ videos to show customers how to use product features or troubleshoot common issues


A picture video is worth a thousand words

use screen capture, video, or a combo to deliver your message clearly

Share videos wherever your team collaborates

share and watch videos directly in the channels your team already works in – including email, chat or social channels

Get up to speed in half the time

videos automatically play back at faster than real time, and allow you to skip straight to the information you need

Capture feedback so you can iterate and move quickly

see a timeline view of reactions and comments to understand what's resonating and what needs tweaking

Learn more about Vidcast

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